Mental and physical neutral

The quality of nature is the present moment. The character of the present is change. Further, the change is based on the conditions. So, you must change with change to be present, to see the present to be with nature. You must be open to receive what is happening. You must become neutral. This is the first requirement; the correct view point from which to approach your training and will lead to right understanding. Otherwise, you are judging nature through past experience.

The approach of how to train to follow along with (or obey) the philosophy and concepts, you must understand the principle of neutral—mental and physical neutral. We need to maintain the neutral in order to change, to be aware so we can flow with nature.

Physical neutral starts with the center. But there are many centers. We have a center, our opponent has a center, the earth has a center, etc. How do you get to and maintain our physical center—the line that holds yin and yang together into complimentary forces? The yin and yang of the body must be complimentary, not opposite, but a cycle to maintain the center. This is the power of balance and harmony (e.g. water finds balance).

If there is a center, there is a circumference. Circumferences have six directional energies (up/down, front/back, left/right) and three dimensions (XYZ planes). This is spherical energy, like a globe. It is primordial energy (back to origin). All movement is correctly born out of this neutral 3-dimensional force. All things manifest upon point of contact, presumably because this is when and where multiple spheres (e.g. yours and your opponents) interact. And these spheres are dynamic, always changing.

You must maintain physical and mental neutral, flowing with the present moment, changing with change at the point of contact. Then awareness grows and you start to know.