What is Zhong Xin Dao

Zhong Xin Dao is the cultivation process of the Chinese martial art of I Liq Chuan.

Philosophy: The Way As it Is  (Tao) / The Suchness Feel (Zen)

Recognizing nature as it is. The way things are…nature has no freedom. It has its own alchemy, its own characteristic. But if you can merge with nature itself, you will be the most free.

Concept: There is nothing to learn or to accumulate.

If nature has no freedom, there is nothing to add or take away, but only to realize and recognize. If you add or take anything away, you interrupt nature. So, there is nothing to learn. Read more…

Principles: Mental and physical neutral

  • Mental Neutral – Develop mindfulness, concentration, and awareness to become present, formless and neutral to flow with nature.
  • Physical Neutral – Center, 6 energies and 3 dimensions. Read more…

Do you want to know what Zhing Xin Dao means? Click here…

Do you want to know more about the history of Zhong Xin Dao? Click here…

Curious about explanations of Philosophy, Concepts, and Principles? Please watch the video’s below of Sifu Sam Chin.