Summer Retreat

3 juli 2021 – 7 juli 2021 hele dag
Seminarhaus Holzöstersee
Holzleithen 15
5131, Franking
Lubo Tzolov

Join Instructor Lubo Tzolov and his team of instructors at the first Summer Retreat in Austria at the beautiful lake Holzöstersee.

We will start the day with qi gong and after breakfast continue to review the Zhong Xin Dao principles through basic exercises, forms, and partner work. There will also be time to jump into the lake, play tennis, explore the nearby moor, or just relax before we continue training. In the evening we will discuss the philosophy of the Sam Chin Way and practice awareness meditation. No matter the level of experience every participant will enjoy the time with the instructors of Kampfkunst der Achtsamkeit – Martial Art of Awareness Austria and have the opportunity to prepare for upcoming gradings.

We look forward to seeing you in Austria!

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